
The name of one of the mass continent at the time of the Paleozoic creatures was Gondwanaland.  Naturally, this name was given about three hundred million years after, but this is how we refer to it.  The northernmost continent at the time was named Laurasia, which was considerably smaller than Gondawanaland.  Gondwanaland, or 'Gondwana,' included the continents known to us today in the southern hemisphere.  These included Antarctica, Africa, South America, Australia, and the islandic country of Madagascar, as well as the Indian subcontinent.  China and Siberia are where the equator lays today.  Antarctica was considered the main 'piece of land,' since it is the largest and the others seemed to sort of surround it.  The landmass was named after gondavana, meaning 'Forest of the Gonds,' Gonds being a culture of people in central India.  This is where most of the massive insects roamed the Earth during this time.